Tag Archives: Cargill

Makai Szabolcs a Talentis Agro Holding stratégiai vezérigazgatója

mszMakai Szabolcs a Talentis Agro Holding stratégiai vezérigazgatója július 1-jétől, a vezérigazgatói feladatokat Csák Gyulával osztja meg, aki az operatív feladatokért felel a jövőben.

Cargill to buy bankrupted feed mills

Cargill is set to buy two of the three feed mills up for sales by bankrupted Pennfield Corporation for US$8.5 million.

Oil company avoids Iran sanctions via grain barter

Reuters reported that oil company Royal Dutch Shell is seeking to work around international sanctions by repaying $1.4 billion oil debt to Iran with a grain barter deal via US agribusiness giant Cargill.

DSM in exclusive discussions with Cargill

Royal DSM, the global Life Sciences and Materials Sciences company, announced today that it is in exclusive discussions with Cargill which may, or may not result in the acquisition of Cargill’s cultures and enzymes business by DSM. Cargill has confirmed that the exclusive discussions are underway.