GMO-Free Hungary is at a Competitive Advantage

„The fact that Hungary is GMO-free puts Hungarian agriculture at a competitive advantage”, stated Gyula Budai.
„Freedom from genetically modified organisms (GMOs) is one of the few issues on which political forces and non-governmental organisations all agree on, and the fact that Hungary is GMO-free is also included in the country’s Fundamental Law”, stressed the State Secretary of the Ministry of Rural Development at the Eger stop of the anti-GMO conference series.
He pointed out that agriculture is a strategic sector in Hungary and that the food industry and water management are both issues of national security, since their effective operation is the prerequisite for the production of healthy and safe foods, and for the preservation of the deservedly excellent reputation of Hungarian food products. Hungary is Europe’s third largest producer of agricultural seeds, and the ninth largest internationally, and it is precisely because the country is GMO-free that Hungarian seeds are so popular on world markets, he emphasised.
However, the large agricultural seed producing economic lobbies spend millions of dollars on their campaigns in the interests of acquiring newer market positions, but Hungary will only be able to maintain the position it has successfully achieved if it remains free from GMOs, the State Secretary stressed. The objective of the eight-stop conference series organised by the Ministry of Rural Development entitled „Together for a GMO-free Agriculture” is to acquire maximum support throughout Hungary for the preservation of our GMO-free status, said Gyula Budai.
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