Category Archives: English news

Strategic Tasks – Interview with János Nagy

nagyjaThe recently launched National Center for Land Management, which in addition to eliminating undivided joint ownership of land, from the National Land Management Organization, also deals with forestry and irrigation, said János Nagy, president of the new state organization.

We are continuing the battle for the money of Hungarian farmers

Entretien.“The Hungarian Government is continuing the battle for the money of Hungarian farmers. Countries with a traditionally strong agriculture must take joint action in the interests of maintaining the current level of Common Agricultural policy (CAP) funding and assuring simple, farmer-friendly regulations”, Minister of Agriculture István Nagy said following a meeting with French Agriculture Minister Didier Guillaume.

Gyulahus turnover climbs 13pc in 2018

zzsRevenue of Gyulahus, a meat company owned by the local council of Gyula (SE Hungary), rose 13pc to HUF 6.5bn last year, managing director Zsolt Daka told.

Court allows Bige Holding artificial fertiliser plant to resume production

blThe Court of Debrecen has deferred the decision of Jasz-Nagykun-Szolnok County Disaster Management Directorate to suspend the operating licence of Bige Holding’s artificial fertiliser plant in Szolnok (C Hungary), which could result in production continuing this week – or not? What is the truth about Bige Holding and owner Laszlo Bige?

Hungary inks deal on Trieste port

The state of Hungary on Friday signed an agreement on establishing a port and logistics base in Trieste to give Hungarian companies easier access to export markets.

Wizz Air adds Kazan to Budapest timetable, expands Tirgu Mures service

wz1Hungarian low-fare carrier Wizz Air has won a state tender to operate a direct flight between Budapest and the Russian city of Kazan, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Peter Szijjarto announced at a joint press conference with the airline’s CEO Jozsef Varadi.

Saudi Arabia’s Economic Growth Expected to Pick Up Again in 2019

A man looks at central Riyadh from the Faisaliah Tower - Saudi Arabia, December 14, 2003...Saudi Arabia’s economic outlook is expected to improve further in 2019, although downside risks remain as a result of the global economic slowdown and the impact it could have on oil markets. 

MFB Invest to inject EUR 17.5m in Opus isoglucose unit

miMFB Invest, a unit of the state-owned Hungarian Development Bank (MFB), will invest EUR 17.5m in KALL Ingredients to support the development of the company’s isoglucose plant in Tiszapuspoki (E Hungary), a disclosure by KALL Ingredient’s owner shows.

Deufol to build HUF 7bn packaging, logistics base in Hungary

szjGerman packaging and logistics company Deufol is building a HUF 7bn base in Debrecen (E Hungary), Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Peter Szijjarto announced.

NBH makes case for package pricing retail payment services

nbThe National Bank of Hungary (NBH) argued that local banks could benefit from adopting the international best practice of package pricing for retail payment services in an annual report released. The NBH said the cost level of retail payment services in Hungary is relatively high in international comparison, accounting for 0.52pc of an average client’s income. That ratio is well over the 0.36pc average for retail bank clients across Eastern Europe, as well as the 0.16pc average for Western Europe.

Choices for EU’s top jobs likely to pursue good policy – Orban

People picked to head the EU’s most important institutions are likely to pursue good policies from Hungary’s point of view, Prime Minister Viktor Orban said, after the European Council took decisions on top jobs at a meeting in Brussels.

Water reuse for agricultural irrigation: Council adopts general approach

The EU is taking new measures to reduce the risk of shortages of water for irrigating crops. The Council adopted its position (general approach) on a regulation which facilitates the use of urban waste water for agricultural irrigation.

EU signed trade and investment protection agreements with Vietnam

vmThe representatives of the European Union – Commissioner for Trade Cecilia Malmström and Minister Ștefan-Radu Oprea, on behalf of the Romanian Presidency of the Council – signed the EU-Vietnam trade and investment protection agreements.

Africa-Europe alliance: a political declaration for a stronger partnership in agriculture, food and farming

siOn the occasion of the third African Union – European Union agricultural ministerial conference, African Union and the European Union representatives will for the first time endorse a Political Declaration, accompanied by an action agenda, with the overall aim of further strengthening the Africa-EU partnership in food and farming at all levels.

Poultry demand drops because of cheaper pork

pyFarmgate prices for poultry fell early in the year because of a drop in demand as consumers bought cheaper pork instead.

Reduction of poverty rates in rural areas among findings of CAP assessment

The Common agricultural policy (CAP) is increasingly market oriented, leading to an increase in EU competitiveness and trade performance. Supporting around 7 million beneficiaries, the CAP is also contributing to reducing poverty rates in rural areas. These were among the findings of the first assessment of the CAP’s performance published, by the European Commission.