Feed Safety Guide now in 23 European Community languages
The Guide and the specific sector documents are available in Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Irish, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish and Swedish. The translation of the Guide has been ordered by the European Commission DG Health and Consumer Protection and is the result of an efficient cooperation between the EFISC association, translators and the operators’ feed safety experts. The shared effort will make the content of the Guide better accessible to the various operators in the European Member States. The translation of the Guide is a considerable step towards a better understanding and implementation of the feed hygiene package by the EU feed material operator. It will also support all those operators keen to achieve third party certifications against the EFISC Code. The European Guide was developed as a result of the shared commitment between the starch industry (AAF) and the oilseed crushing, oil refining and protein meal industry (FEDIOL) within the framework of the European Feed Ingredients Platform (EFIP) and has been endorsed by the European Commission and the EU Member States as of the first of July 2010. The EFISC Code is based on the European Guide to good practice and offers, in addition, third party certification by accredited certification bodies. The EFISC Code is open to other feed material producing sectors to join.
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