World congress debates global imperatives

The III Global Feed & Food Congress takes place in Cancun, Mexico, on April 20-23, 2010. The congress program reveals no fewer than 60 major presentations during the course of three full days. They will be presented by industry leaders, executives and technical specialists from international organizations, famous companies and the main regulatory agencies world-wide. The speakers come not only from Latin America, but also from Africa, Asia, Europe and North America. Sessions on global visions and policies will discuss the challenges in feeding the world’s growing population beyond 2050. Sustainability and environmental stewardship in relation to livestock production provides another theme, together with the continuing debate over the supply and use of GM feed ingredients. Links between animal health and human health are also on the agenda, as is the impact of biofuels on future commodity supplies. Technical sessions will look at the management of mycotoxin risks, at ensuring traceability and at practical aspects of applying standards to feed manufacturing and feed hygiene.
The III Global Feed & Food Congress (see takes place in Cancun, Mexico, on April 20-23, 2010. Hosted by the Mexican Feed Manufacturers Association, CONAFAB, it is being organized by the International Feed Industry Federation (IFIF) with technical assistance from the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

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