Category Archives: English news

‘Reason triumphs’, ‘Hungarian money defended’ at Brussels summit – Orban

ob_Prime Minister Viktor Orban said „reason triumphed” and „Hungarian money was defended” at a summit in Brussels on Thursday where European Union leaders debated attaching conditions to payouts from the EU budget and recovery fund.

Higher prices lift value of farm sector output 4.1pc in 2020

ikjGross value of the output of Hungary’s farm sector rose 4.1pc to HUF 2,953bn in 2020, the Central Statistics Office (KSH) said in a first estimate.

Food companies dampen industrial output growth in Oct

fnIndustrial output in Hungary edged up 0.6pc year-on-year in October as a contraction in the food, drinks and tobacco products segment stifled growth, a detailed release of data by the Central Statistics Office (KSH).

Ratification of agreement reached at Brussels summit next ‘difficult obstacle’ – Orban

okThe ratification of an agreement reached at a EU summit on the next EU budget and recovery fund is the next „difficult obstacle”, Prime Minister Viktor Orban said at a joint press conference with Mateusz Morawiecki.

IIB invests almost EUR 400m in Hungarian economy

ikOutlays of the International Investment Bank (IIB) in Hungary add up to almost EUR 400m since 2015, the lender’s chairman, Nikolay Kosov, told.

BUX rises, outperforms Western European peers

bseThe Budapest Stock Exchange’s main BUX index finished up 1.05pc at 41,103.01 Thursday after gaining 2.57pc on Wednesday.

Consensus close on matter of conditionality, Orban says in Brussels

ov_Prime Minister Viktor Orban said a consensus on the debate over conditionality is close ahead of a European Union summit in Brussels on Thursday.

Hungary, Poland reject linking EU payouts to rule of law

km_468The prime ministers of Hungary and Poland said they reject a proposal that would tie European Union funding to rule of law criteria at a joint press conference in Budapest on Thursday.

Joint Declaration of the Prime Minister of Poland and the Prime Minister of Hungary

hpl_468With respect to the MFF/Next Generation EU financial package including the draft Regulation on a general regime of conditionality for the protection of the Union budget we agreed on the following principles and objectives which we are going to pursue during the negotiations within the European Union:

Hell Energy, Szerencsi Bonbon awarded pandemic stimulus

imagesMinister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Peter Szijjarto presented certificates to soft drink company Hell Energy and chocolate manufacturer Szerencsi Bonbon awarding them government grants supporting investments that preserve jobs and boost efficiency during the coronavirus crisis.

Hungary wheat yield estimated at 4.3-4.4 tonnes per hectare

kis_Hungary’s National Agriculture Council (NAK) estimates the wheat yield will reach 4.3-4.4 tonnes per hectare this year, based on preliminary data, state secretary for farming and rural development Zsolt Feldman said after a meeting of the Harvest Coordination Commission.

Gallicoop to construct HUF 582m solar power plant, increase capacity in SE Hungary

is_Poultry company Gallicoop will build a 1.2MW solar power plant through investment of HUF 582m in Szarvas (SE Hungary), CEO Istvan Erdelyi said.

Belarus: EU concludes agreements on visa facilitation and readmission

br_The Council today adopted two decisions to conclude a visa facilitation agreement and a readmission agreement with Belarus.

Hungary three-month avg jobless rate edges up to 3.8pc in April

nw_Hungary’s three-month rolling average jobless rate reached 3.8pc in April, up 0.1 percentage point from the previous month and 0.3 percentage point from twelve months earlier, the Central Statistics Office (KSH) said on Wednesday.

AKK modifies 2020 financing plan because of bigger deficit

akThe Government Debt Management Agency (AKK) on Tuesday said it modified its 2020 financing plan to accommodate a bigger budget deficit, widened by policy measures to ease the economic fallout from the coronavirus crisis.

Budapest Bank joins Takarekbank Group, MKB tie-up

kbState-owned Budapest Bank has joined a strategic cooperation earlier formed by MTB Magyar Takarekszovetkezeti Bank (MTB), the „central bank” for Hungary’s integrated savings cooperatives, and MKB Bank, the parties said on Tuesday.