Hungarian webshop sales reach HUF 137bn in 2010

This year, webshop turnover in Hungary is expected to grow at the same rate as in 2010, or at a slightly slower rate, Mr Zajdo said. Istvan Racz, marketing director for, which compares prices of webshops, said the number of views its partners attracted tripled in the first half of the year, which augurs accelerated growth for the market as a whole. About 15pc of webshops in Hungary account for 90pc of turnover. Webshop-Experts and based their data on an online survey of about 2,500 webshops of which some 450 responded. The data show about 3,000 webshops operate in Hungary, but just 1,000-1,200 do serious business. Only about 10pc of webshops get more than 1,000 visitors a day. Most have no more than a hundred a day. Webshop-Experts have established 250 online storefronts and provided consulting services for another thousand. compares the prices of products and services of about 800 webshops.

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