International management teams meet in first Nuscience roundtable

During two days (1st-3rd of February) the International Round Table Conference focused on solutions for young animal feeding (e.g. Babito) and health enhancing ingredients (e.g. Aromabiotic). Teams from China, Ukraine, Russia, Spain, Hungary, the Netherlands and Belgium discussed their market and sales approaches and shared their ideas for the future. The Nuscience Group board has expressed strong growth ambitions for all regions, desiring a clear strategy and co-ordinated action plans. Nuscience is the umbrella name covering the companies Vitamex, Pre-Mervo, Cehave Korm, Pricor and Lusai. The group offers a full product portfolio of ingredients, premixes, concentrates, young animal feed and functional feed ingredients. Innovation in safe, sustainable and healthy feeding is at the heart of the business and, as shown in the recent introduction of new products like DOC Star and Aromabiotic Cattle.

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