New online tool to register notified feed ingredients
The internet register was developed by representatives of the EU feed business sectors* and will be accessible as from 1 September 2010 and will be updated on a regular basis in accordance with article 24(6) of Regulation (EC) No 767/2009. Notifications made by means other than the online registration tool will not be accepted. The representatives of the EU feed business sectors have strived to make the Register and notification system as “user-friendly” as possible. They have drafted a Q&A concerning the legal requirements for feed business operators as well as a guide to the notifying feed business operators, which will be accessible on the Register’s website. These documents, however, are only indicative as representatives of the EU feed business sectors will accept no liability for the Register’s content. Any question(s) from feed business operators as to their legal obligations shall be referred to the competent authorities.
For more information, please go to the website.
*List of the EU associations sponsoring the Register : AAF, CEFS, CEPS, CIAA, COCERAL, COFALEC, COPA-COGECA, EAPA, EDA, EFPRA, EMFEMA, EUCOLAIT, EUROMALT, European Flour Millers, EUSALT, FEDIAF, FEDIOL, FEFAC, FERM, IFFO, IMA-Europe and The Brewers of Europe.
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