Nutrition for obtaining 35 piglets per year
According to Sorensen efficient productivity levels on sow farms depend on:
“Sows must be able to tend to more piglets per litter without jeopardising sow health,” Sorensen said. He said that in a recent trial it was demonstrated that healthy sows are capable of handling 15 piglets per litter, without compromising the number of weaned piglets. As the number of piglets in the litter increases, the piglets can be supplemented with dry feed. Management of sow body condition is of utmost importance and reduces feed use and the necessity to cull sows early. Body condition should be evaluated through the entire cycle and take place at farrowing, at weaning, at first gestation check and approximately at 70 days in gestation. As a result of the scores individual feed doses should be adjusted. Digestion and transport of feed in the sow’s gastro-intestinal tract must function in a healthy manner, which requires a balanced diet. “Otherwise sows might develop gastric changes such as pale and unthrifty pigs, black or dark faeces, failure to finish the feed and possible vomiting, or suboptimal performance,” Sorensen said. Sorensen emphasised that the content of fibre and starch must be correct in the diet, and also that the feed must not be ground too fine. Finely ground feeds are the cause of stomach ulcers. “Wheat is the feedstuff that has the greatest effect on gastric health and should be used with care,” he said. Sorensen also noticed that limited water supply can also attribute to stomach ulcers, which is a management issue that is often overlooked. Lactation diets. It was found that piglets have different needs shortly after birth and a week later. Sorensen therefore said that a special “sow colostrum feed” would add to the liveability of the piglets and after approximately a week followed by a feed for the rest of the lactation period
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