Russian government subsidizes feed purchasing
It was decided to only send these funds to those regions which retained the livestock numbers during 2010 according to an official statement the Ministry. Besides that the subsidies should only be directed to beef producers. The Ministry of Agriculture announced the funds transfer early in May this year. Later, the officials noted that not all 32 regions, which meant to receive the state funds, promptly carried out procedural formalities, in particular, provided the necessary documents. „In the meeting conducted earlier this year it was decided that a set of agricultural organizations currently have a need for support, and in particular the beef production sector – so far the most problematic segment in livestock farming,” said Russian Minister of Agriculture Elena Skrynnik. „The lack of feed in the market today is a hot topic and a major problem – our industry is unable to meet internal demand, and therefore the majority of agricultural producers have to buy feed abroad, which is very expensive.” added representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture. It is also noted that the agricultural organizations additionally to 5 billion rubles subsidized by the government will also receive funding from the budgets of the states of the Russian Federation.
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