World Summit on Food Security
We, the Heads of State and Government, or our Representatives and the Representative of the European Community have assembled in Rome at the World Summit on Food Security to take urgent action to eradicate hunger from the world.
1. In adopting this declaration we agree to undertake all necessary actions required at national, regional and global levels and by all States and Governments to halt immediately the increase in – and to significantly reduce – the number of people suffering from hunger, malnutrition and food insecurity. We will reinforce all our efforts to meet by 2015 the targets of Millennium Development Goal and the World Food Summits. We commit to take action towards sustainably eradicating hunger at the earliest possible date.
2. We are alarmed that the number of people suffering from hunger and poverty now exceeds 1 billion. This is an unacceptable blight on the lives, livelihoods and dignity of one-sixth of the world’s population. The effects of longstanding underinvestment in food security1, agriculture, and rural development have recently been further exacerbated by food, financial and economic crises, among other factors. While strides have been made, the overall efforts so far have fallen short of achieving the Millennium Development Goals and the commitments of the World Food Summits. We must collectively accelerate steps to reverse this trend and to set the world on a path to achieving the progressive realization of the right to adequate food in the context of national food security.
3. A sense of urgency and a commitment to solving the global food crisis have served as catalysts for strengthening international coordination and governance for food security through the Global Partnership for Agriculture, Food Security and Nutrition, of which the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) is a central component. It is essential to enhance global governance, building on existing institutions and fostering effective partnerships.
4. To feed a world population expected to surpass 9 billion in 2050, it is estimated that agricultural output will have to increase by 70 percent between now and then. Concomitantly, measures have to be taken to ensure access – physical, social and economic – by all people to sufficient, safe and nutritious food with particular attention to full access by women and children. Food should not be used as an instrument for political and economic pressure. We reaffirm the importance of international cooperation and solidarity as well as the necessity of refraining from unilateral measures not in accordance with the international law and the Charter of the United Nations and that endanger food security. We call for open markets as they are an essential element of a global food security response.
5. Climate change poses additional severe risks to food security and the agriculture sector. Its expected impact is particularly fraught with danger for smallholder farmers in developing countries, notably the Least Developed Countries (LDCs), and for already vulnerable populations. Any recipe for confronting the challenges of climate change must allow for mitigation options and a firm commitment to the adaptation of agriculture, including through conservation an sustainable use of genetic resources for food and agriculture.
6. Recently, major regional and international meetings have resulted in commitments to increase support for agriculture, rural development and food security at national and international levels. We can also build on the success of several countries in reducing the number of their hungry, and are encouraged by the time-bound political commitments of some countries and regions to eradicate hunger. Nevertheless, further urgent and decisive measures are needed, and they must be accompanied by the political will required to move from commitment to achievement of our goal.
7. We decide to:
7.1 Ensure urgent national, regional and global action to fully realize the target of Millennium Development Goal 1 and the 1996 World Food Summit goal, namely to reduce respectively the proportion and the number of people who suffer from hunger and malnutrition by half by 2015.
7.2 Join our efforts and expertise to work in the Global Partnership for Agriculture, Food Security and Nutrition – building on existing structures to enhance governance and cooperation – promote better coordination at global, regional and national levels and ensure that national and regional interests are duly voiced and considered. We therefore commit to fully implement the reform of the CFS, which, as the foremost inclusive international and intergovernmental platform for a broad range of committed stakeholders to work together, is a central component of our efforts to further advance the Global Partnership for Agriculture, Food Security and Nutrition.
7.3 Reverse the decline in domestic and international funding for agriculture, food security and rural development in developing countries, and promote new investment to increase sustainable agricultural production and productivity, reduce poverty and work towards achieving food security and access to food for all.
7.4 Proactively face the challenges of climate change to food security and the need for adaptation of, and mitigation in, agriculture, and increase the resilience of agricultural producers to climate change, with particular attention to small agricultural producers and vulnerable populations.
8. To achieve these strategic objectives, we shall base our commitments and actions on the following Five Rome Principles for Sustainable Global Food Security:
Principle 1: Invest in country-owned plans, aimed at channelling resources to welldesigned and results-based programmes and partnerships.
9. We reaffirm that food security is a national responsibility and that any plans for addressing food security challenges must be nationally articulated, designed, owned and led, and built on consultation with all key stakeholders. We will make food security a high priority and will reflect this in our national programmes and budgets.
10. We will intensify international support to advance effective country-led and regional strategies, to develop country-led investment plans, and to promote mutual responsibility, transparency and accountability. A good example of these elements is contained in the Accra Agenda for Action. We recognize and support the Comprehensive African Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) under the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) as a good example providing a framework through which we can coordinate our support for agriculture and food security. We also recognize and support similar efforts in other regions such as the “Latin America and the Caribbean Without Hunger 2025” initiative, the “ASEAN Integrated Food Security Framework” and the “Riyadh Declaration to Enhance Arab
Cooperation to Face World Food Crises.”
Principle 2: Foster strategic coordination at national, regional and global level to improve governance, promote better allocation of resources, avoid duplication of efforts and identify response-gaps.
11. The Global Partnership for Agriculture, Food Security and Nutrition will strive to achieve strategic coordination of efforts at national, regional and global level, building on existing structures; ensuring inclusiveness of participation; and promoting a genuine bottom-up approach based on field-level experiences and developments.
12. We therefore welcome the efforts of CFS to ensure that the voices of all relevant stakeholders – particularly those most affected by food insecurity – are heard. We endorse the role of CFS in providing a platform for discussion and coordination to strengthen collaborative action among governments, regional organizations, international organizations and agencies, NGOs, CSOs, food producers’ organizations, private-sector organizations, philanthropic organizations, and other relevant stakeholders, in a manner that is in alignment with each country’s specific context and needs.
13. We fully support the important roles of CFS, particularly in areas of coordination at the global level, policy convergence, and facilitated support and advice to countries and regions. Within the context of the implementation plan laid down in CFS reform, CFS will gradually take on additional roles such as promoting coordination at national and regional levels, promoting accountability and sharing best practices at all levels, and developing a global strategic framework for food security and nutrition.
14. We also call for countries to lead and reinforce food security coordination mechanisms and networks, aiming at strengthening coherence of actions at the national level.
15. Within the reformed CFS, we support the creation of a High-Level Panel of Experts (HLPE), whose goal is to ensure the regular inclusion of advice based on scientific evidence and knowledge.
Principle 3: Strive for a comprehensive twin-track approach to food security that consists of: 1) direct action to immediately tackle hunger for the most vulnerable and 2) mediumand long-term sustainable agricultural, food security, nutrition and rural development programmes to eliminate the root causes of hunger and poverty, including through the progressive realization of the right to adequate food.
16. We affirm the right of everyone to have access to safe, sufficient and nutritious food, consistent with the progressive realization of the right to adequate food in the context of national food security. We will strive for a world free from hunger where countries implement the “Voluntary guidelines for the progressive realization of the right to adequate food in the context of national food security” and we will support the practical application of the guidelines based on the principles of participation, transparency and accountability.
17. We support rural development, creation of employment and more equitable income generation and distribution to overcome poverty and increase access to food. We will create the conditions for production increases, including access to improved seed and inputs and adaptation of agriculture to climate change, recognizing the mitigating potential of sustainable agriculture. We will work to increase public investment and encourage private investment in countrydeveloped plans for rural infrastructure and support services, including -but not limited- to roads, storage, irrigation, communication infrastructure, education, technical support and health.
18. We take note of the work to be undertaken, including by FAO and IFAD, on the followup of the International Conference on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development (ICARRD), in view of its relevance to food security.
19. We commit to building capacity, focusing on integrated actions addressing policy, institutions and people, with a special emphasis on smallholders and women farmers. We particularly stress the importance for developing countries of strengthening institutional capacity to develop and implement effective evidence-based policies that ensure access to food, address malnutrition and enable smallholders to access technologies, inputs, capital goods, credit and markets. We will, as appropriate, strengthen the capacity of farmers and the capacity of farmers’ organizations.
20. We will strive to ensure that our populations, in particular vulnerable groups, have access to safe, adequate, nutritious and affordable food. We will work to strengthen social protection measures and programmes, to enable communities and households to access economic and social benefits and contribute to social stability. These include safety nets that protect food consumption, such as cash/vouchers and mother and child nutrition. We recognize the role of international and national agencies, such as WFP, UNICEF and others, in supporting countries to build and operate those safety nets.
21. We continue to be committed to the provision of, and the unhindered access to, safe emergency food and humanitarian assistance and support for the most vulnerable populations. We recognize the value of local purchase of food supplies, which supports local markets. We will remove food export restrictions or extraordinary taxes for food purchased for non-commercial humanitarian purposes, and will consult and notify in advance before imposing any such new restrictions.
22. We will pursue policies and strategies that improve the functioning of domestic, regional and international markets and ensure equitable access for all, especially smallholders and women farmers from developing countries. We support WTO-consistent, non-trade-distorting special measures aimed at creating incentives for smallholder farmers in developing countries, enabling them to increase their productivity and compete on a more equal footing on world markets. We agree to refrain from taking measures that are inconsistent with the WTO rules, with adverse impacts on global, regional and national food security. We reiterate support to a timely, ambitious, comprehensive and balanced conclusion of the Doha Development Round of trade negotiations that would be important to improving food security. We also support the Aid for Trade Initiative to enable farmers and producers in developing countries to overcome their supply-side constraints in agriculture and improve their capacity to produce, process, and trade in agricultural products, and we call for full implementation of the Marrakech decision.
23. We will consider non-market-distorting international measures to mitigate the impact of food market volatility on the poor. We encourage the development of measures to manage the effects of excessive price volatility and of adverse weather events. We encourage policies that promote well-functioning markets, better market information, transparency and competition.
24. We request relevant international organizations to examine possible links between speculation and agricultural price volatility and whether a system of stockholding can be effective in dealing with humanitarian emergencies or as a means to limit price volatility.
25. We commit, considering diverse conditions in each country, to support increased production and productivity of agriculture, and to reduce pre- and post-harvest losses. We will implement sustainable practices, including responsible fisheries, improved resource use, protection of the environment, conservation of the natural resource base and enhanced use of ecosystem services. We will give special attention to crop and livestock systems, fisheries and aquaculture, and forest and tree resources, with a focus on smallholders. We will address access to, and sustainable use of, land and water; maintaining the health and productivity of all ecosystems; and better management of the biodiversity associated with food and agriculture. We note, as an example, the perilous state of Lake Chad and encourage all efforts to protect it. We will support the conservation of, access to, and fair and equitable sharing of, the benefits arising from the use of genetic resources, in accordance with national law and international agreements.
26. We recognize that increasing agricultural productivity is the main means to meet the increasing demand for food given the constraints on expanding land and water used for food production. We will seek to mobilize the resources needed to increase productivity, including the review, approval and adoption of biotechnology and other new technologies and innovations that are safe, effective and environmentally sustainable.
27. We will take necessary steps to enable all farmers, particularly women and smallholder farmers from countries most vulnerable to climate change, to adapt to, and mitigate the impact of, climate change through appropriate technologies and practices that improve the resilience of farming systems, thus enhancing their food security. We aim to enhance and develop financing mechanisms and other appropriate measures to support adaptation to, and mitigation of, climate change that are accessible to smallholder farmers, and are based on equitable, transparent and effective institutional arrangements. We will support adaptation by the most vulnerable populations to ensure their food security through social protection programmes and safety nets.
28. We will promote research for food and agriculture, including research to adapt to, and mitigate climate change, and access to research results and technologies at national, regional and international levels. We will reinvigorate national research systems, in particular in Africa, and will share information and best practices. We will improve access to knowledge. We will improve the quality of national agricultural statistics and early warning and forecasting systems for food insecurity and vulnerability, thus providing a sound basis for agricultural policy and strategies. We will make full use of North-South, South-South and triangular cooperation.
29. We will support national, regional and international programmes that contribute to improved food safety and animal and plant health, including prevention and control of transboundary animal and plant pests and diseases. We will adopt policies and programmes to promote effective national food safety systems, covering all stages of the food chain and involving all actors, that ensure the compliance of food products with science-based international standards, and that improve food safety and quality for our populations. We will actively encourage the consumption of foods, particularly those available locally, that contribute to diversified and balanced diets, as the best means of addressing micronutrient deficiencies and other forms of malnutrition, especially among vulnerable groups.
30. We will continue to address the challenges and opportunities posed by biofuels, in view of the world’s food security, energy and sustainable development needs. We are convinced that the continuation of in-depth studies is necessary to ensure that production and use of biofuels are sustainable in accordance with the three pillars of sustainable development and take into account the need to achieve and maintain global food security. We are further convinced of the desirability of exchanging experiences on biofuel technologies, norms and regulations. We call upon the relevant intergovernmental organizations, including FAO, within their mandates and areas of expertise, with the involvement of national governments, partnerships, the private sector and civil society, to foster coherent, effective and results-oriented international dialogue on biofuels in the context of food security and sustainable development needs. Principle 4: Ensure a strong role for the multilateral system by sustained improvements in efficiency, responsiveness, coordination and effectiveness of multilateral institutions.
31. The global reach of the food security issue calls for prompt, decisive and coordinated action to address its causes, mitigate its impact and establish or strengthen the necessary measures to help eradicate hunger and malnutrition from the planet.
32. In this regard, we reaffirm our commitment to multilateralism and commit ourselves to strengthening the ability of the United Nations institutions, especially FAO, IFAD and WFP, and of other multilateral organizations at global, regional and national levels to fulfil their roles in understanding of the root causes of hunger and to fashion appropriate responses. We therefore commit to strengthening the multilateral system in the channelling of resources and in the promotion of policies dedicated to fighting hunger and malnutrition.
33. We support a well-functioning multilateral trading system for the benefits it can bring to all and contribute to enhancing the integration of the developing countries in the system.
34. We encourage intensified coordination among all UN agencies, especially among FAO, IFAD and WFP, and the international financial institutions (IFIs). The UN institutions must continue to work together as a system, in accordance with their respective mandates, in order to increase their effectiveness. We recognize, in this regard, the important work undertaken by the UN High-Level Task Force on the Global Food Security Crisis (HLTF). We encourage United Nations reform efforts aimed at improving the efficiency and impact of UN development activities and in this respect take note of ongoing intergovernmental consideration of the UN system-wide coherence initiative. We commit to strengthen international coordination, including through the reformed CFS, which includes among its participants HLTF and the relevant UN Agencies and IFIs.
35. We support the ongoing reform process in FAO and commit to the timely and full implementation of the FAO Immediate Plan of Action, aimed at enabling the Organization to better respond to the needs of its Members and to achieve the goals contained in its new Strategic Framework. We also support the reform processes under way in the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research and in the global agricultural research system through the Global Forum on Agricultural Research.
Principle 5: Ensure sustained and substantial commitment by all partners to investment in agriculture and food security and nutrition, with provision of necessary resources in a timely and reliable fashion, aimed at multi-year plans and programmes.
36. At this key moment, we commit to a crucial, decisive shift towards increased short-, medium- and long-term national and international investment in agriculture in developing countries. We welcome the commitment made by African leaders in the Maputo Declaration to raise the share of agriculture and rural development in their budget expenditures to at least 10 percent, and encourage other geographical regions to adopt similar quantitative time-bound commitments.
37. We underline that the fulfilment of all official development assistance (ODA) commitments is crucial, including the commitments by many developed countries to achieve the target of 0.7 percent of gross national product (GNP) for ODA to developing countries by 2015 and to reach the level of at least 0.5 percent of GNP for ODA by 2010, as well as a target of 0.15 to 0.2 percent of GNP for ODA to least-developed countries.
38. We note that the share of ODA devoted to agriculture reached a level of 19 percent in 1980, but fell to 3.8 percent in 2006. There is, however, an indication that this trend is reversing. We commit to substantially increase the share of ODA devoted to agriculture and food security based on country-led requests. We encourage international financial institutions and regional development banks to do likewise. We welcome the commitments of the “L’Aquila” Joint Statement on Global Food Security in July 2009, including those towards a goal of mobilizing USD 20 billion over three years, and we call upon the fulfilment of those commitments. We highly appreciate the interest shown and resources mobilized for agriculture and food security by private philanthropic foundations in recent years.
39. We will strive to strengthen mutual accountability and transparency at global, regional and local levels, including in regard to donors’ pledges and commitments, and regional and national initiatives and plans, making use of existing procedures.
40. We note the call of the High-Level Expert Forum “How to Feed the world in 2050” for, inter alia, a substantial increase in investment in the agricultural sector in developing countries. We support public/private cooperation and private investment, both domestic and foreign, for agriculture and food security in developing countries. We support the establishment of national legislation, as appropriate, to facilitate and sustain private investment in agriculture, nutrition, food security and rural development. We agree to continue studying principles and good practices to promote responsible international agricultural investment.
41. We pledge our actions and support to implement this Declaration.
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