Czech scientists recommend better EU biotech policy
The scientists are urging policy makers to take a rational approach towards genetically modified crops, especially when creating legislative acts and deciding on GM crop approvals. According to the Czech Academy of Sciences, many European scientists are disturbed that political factors and ideology prevent unbiased assessments of biotechnology in some EU countries. The white paper makes the following recommendations:
– Decisions concerning genetic modifications should not contradict scientific evidence.
– Breeding techniques should primarily be evaluated with respect to the outcome rather than the process itself.
– The precautionary principle should be replaced by serious and robust risk/benefit assessment applied to all innovations in agriculture.
– Risk assessments should always include the benefits and comparison of parallel technologies with all their components.
– Economic assessments should also be done by comparison with parallel technologies.
– If member states are allowed to ban technology permitted elsewhere in the EU, they should be allowed to use a technology that has not yet been approved by the EU, provided that it does not impinge on other member states.
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