Hungary Aug farm gate prices up 20.1pc rising for second month

Crop prices 31.7pc in twelve months and livestock and animal products prices were up 3.2pc from July 2009, both after rising in July but declining in the previous four months. Farm gate prices rose 12.8pc in the twelve months to July, but fell 0.6pc in each of June and May and dropped 5.7pc in April and 4.1pc in March. Farm gate prices rose yr/yr in January and February following 16 months of decline. Farm gate prices in January-August 2010 were up 8.6pc yr/yr as crop prices rose 15.3pc from a year earlier and prices of live animals and animal products fell 1.3pc in the period. Farm gate prices fell 9.5pc in 2009 as crop prices fell 12.7pc and livestock and animal product prices dropped 4.6pc from 2008. Farm gate prices of grain rose 33.8pc yr/yr in August. The price of wheat rose HUF 10,600 per tonne (4pc) from July after a 5.9pc rise in the previous month to HUF 41,900, most of the wheat now coming from the new harvest, KSH noted. The maize harvest did not begin in August when the price of maize was 39,100 per tonne. Farm gate prices of industrial crops were up 15.3pc yr/yr in August, with prices of oil seeds up 24.7pc. Farm gate prices of potatoes and vegetables rose 65.5pc and 21.2pc in twelve months, respectively. Potatoe price rose more and vegetable prices rose less than in the previous month. Potatoe prices has grown steadily since March 2009 while fresh vegetable prices has risen yr/yr each month since December 2009. Farm gate prices of fruits climbed 27.7pc yr/yr in August, in contrast with a 18.5pc yr/yr drop in August 2009. Fruit prices has risen now for the third consecutive month. Farm gate prices of live animals fell 1.9pc in the twelve months to August. Prices of hogs for slaughter fell 5.8pc as a yr/yr drop posted since September 2009 continued. Poultry prices rose 0.3pc yr/yr after drops in the previous two months, and prices of cattle rose 6.3pc yr/yr after a 6.0pc increase in July. Farm gate prices of animal products were up 16.8pc yr/yr in August, with the price of eggs up 3.8pc and the price of milk up 21.3pc from a year earlier.

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