Torokszentmiklosi Mezogazdasagi launches construction of dairy complex
The foundation stone of a milk complex was laid in Szenttamás by the investment of Törökszentmiklós Agricultural (TM) Zrt. A trial run in December 2020, with milk processing and sales starting in January 2021.
The investment of TM Zrt. Will create 15 new jobs and the company currently employs 115 people. Péter Tacopulosz, CEO of Törökszentmiklós Agricultural Zrt. said that the complex will consist of a modern cattle farm and a related dairy farm. Zrt. a formerly closed cattle farm is renewed and modernized. The company submitted a tender for the reconstruction of the Cattle Farms for the implementation of the reconstruction, the subsidy received for the investment of HUF 891 million according to the sponsorship document – announced HUF 445 million. An application for the establishment of a dairy farm was submitted under the Large Enterprise Support Program of the Ministry of Finance. The construction of the dairy will be a greenfield investment in the company’s outskirts of St. Thomas.
In parallel with the reconstruction of the dairy farm, a dairy plant capable of fully processing 30,000 liters of milk a day will be set up, also using tender sources, he said. The plant will be located right next to the dairy, and it is planned that the raw milk will be put into operation through a closed system, he said. Peter Tacopulosz said that TM Zrt. has 480 Holtstein Friesian dairy cows and their breeding stock. The company produces 4 million liters of milk a year and is therefore heavily exposed to fluctuations in the purchase price of raw milk. To reduce exposure and maximize profits, the company has decided to set up its own dairy. He added that after the modernization of the cattle farm, the planned daily production of raw milk would be 12-14 thousand liters, which would allow them to process 4.9 million liters of self-produced milk per year.