Europe may invest in Ukraine’s feed production

Ukraine’s largest poultry producer company Mironovsky Hleboproduct (MHP) may receive a grant from the European investment Bank for €85 million to boost its feed production.
The project involves the construction of two grain storage facilities, one fodder processing plant and one sunflower crushing plant in the Vinnitsky region of Ukraine.
The project forms part of a major investment programme being implemented over several years to expand production capacity and improve resource efficiency and environmental sustainability. In addition to this, the project enhances food security, as it promotes self sufficiency of the host country in terms of locally processed feed and food ingredients and increased storage capacity, thus improving resiliency of the Ukrainian agri-food sector against adverse weather shocks, mainly droughts, notes in the press-release.
The project incorporates the best available techniques for emissions reduction and also air and water emissions are expected to be within the acceptable limits represented by international and European standards. The generated waste is neither significant nor of a dangerous nature and corresponding and appropriate disposal mechanisms have already been established.
The total cost of this project is approximately €172 million. The complex in the Vinnitsky region of Ukraine will have the total production capacity of 1.2 million tonnes of feed per year. With this amount, the total production capacity of the holding will be estimated to be 2.4 million tonnes of feed per year. The largest part of producing feed will go towards meeting the own needs of the company, which will feed the poultry stock. The rest will be sold accordingly.
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